BHS Pirates
Band Boosters
Section Parent Info
Communication is key to keeping everybody knowing what is going on. We have done a good job with ensuring that the kids follow a communication pln, but it has proven difficult for that information to make it to the parents. So this year we are adding a plan for each section to have a parent involved with passing along information to the parents in each section. Here you will be able to find information on each section and who is in charge of communicating information for that section.
About Us

About Us
The Brunswick High Band Boosters are an integral part of the success of the B.H.S. Band Program. The role of the boosters is to lift up the program by volunteering time, services, and effort.
Our Bands
Marching Band
Wind Ensemble
Concert Band
Jazz Band
Interested in
Joining a Band?
If you think you might be interested in joining one of our prestigious bands, just reach out and let us know. We will contact you as soon as we can.